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As green living proliferated our daily lives we naturally chose to live without many products available in the marketplace. Did our quality-of-life decrease? Most definitely not. Instead with each change made, lessening our dependence on products and the number of possessions around us we felt more liberated.
Organizing or Hoarding
My husband claims I was once an organized hoarder. Okay so maybe I was, clipping coupons and stacking items on the shelf that we wouldn’t use for years to come. I love to organize: time, books, my dresser drawers. You name it, I’ve probably organized it. Down to the nuts, screws and bolts in my husbands shed. By the way, he was a hoarder too, except for the organized part.
After years have gone by I am just finishing using up the items that I collected from my habits. I get quite a thrill using the last drop of product in the bottle. At the same time I am troubled from constantly shuffling all of the extra possessions around our home, needlessly using my time to move items from here to there, there to here to clean around them. Do you ever feel that your life is just about things? Mundane, unimportant things? Extra books, clothes, just plain old clutter?
Our changes in life style and interest lead us to uncharted territory, the subject of minimalism. A topic I now adore. Why do we feel the absolute necessity to surround ourselves with excess? How much is really too much? I look forward to sharing our lessons learned and hearing yours!