After decades of a career in accounting, I monetized everything. Unlearning that vicious behavior has been and continues to be a challenge. In the business world we are taught time is money. Every move an employee makes, every moment the clock ticks, every step in a decision making process is assigned a dollar value. We […]
Set Limits and Make Space
This morning I made space to enjoy quiet, solitude at a favorite oceanfront place that has been closed since March. I hear the comforting Hawaiian music playing in the background. Somehow the music can instantly make me feel that I am on vacation. Removing the noise from my mind in daily life is a challenge. […]
The True Costs of Ambition
I still hold an out-of-state CPA license. As such, 80 hours of continuing education is required by year-end. Yet, I have had little desire to fulfill that responsibility since moving to Hawaii. My priorities have shifted and any ambition for business has all but evaporated. I thoroughly enjoyed my job as an accountant: organizing papers, […]
Goals Are Dreams With a Deadline
To make a dream a reality, we must set goals. A goal needs to be quantifiable. So don’t be afraid to set a date to reach your goal. Give yourself something specific to work towards. Really, a goal is simply a dream with a deadline. October Goal Update I set the goal of walking 30 […]