After being inspired by Zero Waste Chef, I started writing this post in 2014. I set a goal to make a gluten free sourdough starter back then. Years later…It took a pandemic for me to finally reach this goal. Some goals get put on the back burner until a future time, but hey, that’s okay. […]
What’s Growing On The Homestead?
Our Spring 2021 Hawaii Homestead Update – So far 2021 has given us many opportunities to learn new skills and develop others. Our glass has been more than half full. We’ve added to our homestead family – two lop eared rabbits – Ms. Flopsy and Mr. Dill Pickle. We have harvested our first crops of […]
Rural Arkansas to Urban Hawaii Homestead
When we left Arkansas at the beginning of 2018, we left behind our rural lifestyle. We learned so much through trial and error. I always dreamed of having the Little House on the Prairie lifestyle. What resulted from my learning were many ‘funny farm’ stories. The days of chasing chickens that escaped their enclosure. The […]
Tiny Living – Start Small
Tiny Living For 2 years our family made the decision to live in a 240 square foot Airstream Bunkhouse. It was a delight! Living in a tiny space challenged my habits even further. My desires to make less waste had new boundaries. No longer did I have space to store larger quantities of our basic […]